Shaping the metaverse - first use cases & ecosystem from Berlin

10 Mai 2023
B2B Software Days Konferenz
10.05.2023 - 11:00
zum Kalender hinzufügen Jetzt anmelden

Let's move beyond local hotspots and take the metaverse a nodge further. Let’s think pan European synergies.

Berlin - the hotspot for creatives and tech startups. Learn about some of Berlin's finest metaverse use cases, find out more about the companies behind them and meet three of the local multiplicators of the ecosystem: Berlin’s networks of XR & Blockchain and the economic development agency.

Berlin Ecosystem takes the first step and presents itself @ the B2B Software Days to meet other regional hotspots, invested companies, interested experts or curious industry users to shape the future of the metaverse together.

How you benefit:

By the end of this workshop, you will have first insights into what constitutes the metaverse and at what level of development we are at. You will have seen use cases and have the opportunity to extend your network in the European metaverse ecosystem.

Blockchain Virtual & Augmented Reality

Unsere Partner

Extended Reality Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. (XRBB)

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