The capital region, with its six million inhabitants, is one of the most dynamic regions in Europe. Both countries benefit from the close integration through cross-border living and working, and digitalisation will further strengthen this development. Established companies as well as start-ups are drivers of this change. Just like them, the counties, independent cities and districts are also in the midst of a constant process of change - more so than ever due to the pandemic.
In order to manage the transformation and keep pace with the successful economic development, the two state secretaries of the Berlin Senate Chancellery and the Brandenburg State Chancellery, Dr. Frank Nägele and Dr. Benjamin Grimm, are also prepared to go new ways:
- Mobile working and commuting in a common economic and labour market.
- Smart Cities/Smart Regions: Networking and Shaping a Capital Region
- Lessons from the pandemic: Ready to act and ready for the future
- Looking to the future: Growing digitally together
"The pandemic has shown that digital participation is a central prerequisite for an equal society. We want to strengthen this development through Brandenburg's participation in Digitaltag 2021. That is why we are promoting future-oriented digital projects in our cities and regions, the digitalisation of the health system and education. As a territorial state, our goal is to overcome spatial distances and connect people. The Digital Day is an innovative format that enables this engagement in numerous projects and actions and makes digitisation tangible."
Dr. Benjamin Grimm | State Secretary in the Brandenburg State Chancellery
30-minute discussion on the progress and common themes of New Work/Remote Work, Digital Resilience and Digital Participation, Strategic Overall Framework Capital Region as well as the Digital Programme 2025 and the Smart City Strategy Process. Organised by the Staatskanzlei Brandenburg, the Senatskanzlei Berlin, Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie, Wirtschaftsförderung Brandenburg (Moderation: Till Meyer), DigitalAgentur Brandenburg and the Medieninnovationszentrum Babelsberg.