Launch of the ‘EIT Community Booster – Scaling New European Bauhaus Ventures’

Supporting the New European Bauhaus (NEB) that connects innovation, creativity and design to improve citizen's quality of life, the venture booster will support 20 ventures with support and funding worth EUR 50 000 each as part of a wider EUR 5 million budget for EIT Community New European Bauhaus activities in 2021-2022.

This new EIT Community programme will identify and support promising New European Bauhaus-related ventures, supporting their growth and development from individual ideas to successful entrepreneurial projects. With the help of the New EIT Community Booster, selected start-ups and scale-ups will be provided with services that will accelerate their business to the next level, combining the EIT’s Knowledge and Innovation Communities network with the backing and support of the EIT, Europe’s largest innovation ecosystem. 

More information HERE

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