What could a repair bonus system for textiles look like in Berlin?
The NGO Circular Berlin is launching a two-year pilot project as part of the Horizon Europe project Solstice to strengthen the textile repair industry, reduce textile waste in Berlin and promote appreciation for clothing and artisanal repairs.
Last Friday, Circular Berlin invited the Circle Economy Foundation and key players in fashion and reuse such as DAWN Denim, GIVN Berlin, Irie Daily and Blutsgeschwister to a pilot co-creation workshop for a repair bonus system in Berlin as part of the SOLSTICE project.
Important findings from the material flow and business area analysis of the Berlin textile industry and a consumer survey carried out in advance:
- Only 0.33% of textiles are repaired, although there is a high awareness of alteration services - great potential for growth.
- Barriers to the use of repair services are cost, time and accessibility, often due to a lack of knowledge and awareness - communication and awareness raising are crucial.
- Repair prices are too low for businesses and too high for consumers - financial incentives play a key role.
The vision of the pilot project relies on cooperation and community to drive sustainable solutions.
The main objectives: 1) Building an infrastructure, 2) Establishing a use case for a repair bonus, 3) Establishing a vibrant repair community in Berlin.
The momentum is promising and an action plan will be developed together with the partners in the coming weeks.